
Friday Morning Snow Increasingly Likely

By: mandi On: 10:22 PM
  • Let's Get Social
  •  Detailed Update at 9:15 PM Wed night--will be a separate post.

    This will be brief.   Models are still suggesting that there will be extensive lowland snow on Friday morning, between roughly 1-2 AM and 10 AM.  After that the temperatures will warm, with snow transitioning to rain by the early afternoon.   Here is the snow total from the UW WRF model for the 24h ending 4PM Friday.

    The Cascades will get over a foot in places and snow will be extend into NW Washington and over Seattle and its eastern suburbs.  Substantial increases from Seattle to Bellevue.  The commute on Friday morning could well be problematic for many, so be prepared for it.

    I will have an update Wednesday evening, where I will describe the nature of this kind of snow event.

    Thank You.  

    I wanted to express my appreciation to all of you that contributed to my weather research fund at the University of Washington.  During the next year I will use the support to hire some undergraduates to work on local research projects and to help maintain the numerical weather prediction system I show in this blog and use as a major tool for local weather research.

     This guy is getting ready for action.


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